Brand New Seabreeze Residence in Dana Point by McClean Design
Seabreeze Residence in Dana Point in California is brand new home has been recently completed by McClean Design in Modern style offers luxurious living from high-end finishes and luxurious amenities. This home located on beautiful lot with amazing views and wonderful outdoor living spaces including patio, pool, garden and more. This home is truly dream house was built from excellent home design combined by wonderful living room idea, dining room idea, kitchen idea, bedroom idea, bathroom idea, outdoor living idea and other great ideas.
Architecture Design Project Information:
- Project Name: Seabreeze Residence in Dana Point
- Location: Dana Point, California, United States
- Project Year: 2019
- Designed by: McClean Design
- Builder: Winkle Custom Homes
This house in Dana Point represents a new approach to California beach living, providing shelter from cold ocean breezes while maximizing views from as many rooms as possible. The house is arranged around an entry courtyard which not only allows light to flow deep into the floor plan, but also offers glimpses of the ocean through the transparent living space. This outdoor living room, centered around a fireplace, provides a welcome respite from the wind. Privacy from the street is achieved by a series of layered walls and landscaping. The main materials in the house are oak and limestone with metal accents and a relaxing ambiance is achieved through the use of warm, soft beach tones. Nautical themed art pieces complete the aesthetic. Extensive use of glass is balanced by light materials and wood ceilings. With connections to the outdoors from every space, this home blends seamlessly into its environment while providing protection from the elements through careful design.
Photo: Jim Bartsch | Source: McClean Design
For more information about this project, please contact the Architecture firm :
– Add: 190 S. Glassell St. #203Orange, CA
– Tel: 714.505.0556
– Email: