This C$4,850,000 Out­stand­ing Prop­erty in Alberta Of­fers Stun­ning Architecture, Stat­e of­ the­ ar­t Fea­tures

Date of Publishing:


The Out­stand­ing Prop­erty in Alberta is a luxurious home now available for sale. This home located at 1028 S Bel Aire Dr SW, Calgary, AB T2V 2B9, Canada; offering 5 bedrooms and 6 bathrooms with 4,134 square feet of living spaces. Call Gary Heald – Re/Max Real Estate – (Phone: (403) 554-0464) for more detailed; and set a tour schedule of the Out­stand­ing Prop­erty in Alberta.

The Out­stand­ing Prop­erty in Alberta Information:

The Out­stand­ing Prop­erty in Alberta is a luxurious home now available for sale. This home located at 1028 S Bel Aire Dr SW, Calgary, AB T2V 2B9, Canada


The Out­stand­ing Prop­erty in Alberta is a luxurious home now available for sale. This home located at 1028 S Bel Aire Dr SW, Calgary, AB T2V 2B9, Canada
The Out­stand­ing Prop­erty in Alberta is a luxurious home now available for sale. This home located at 1028 S Bel Aire Dr SW, Calgary, AB T2V 2B9, Canada


The Out­stand­ing Prop­erty in Alberta is a luxurious home now available for sale. This home located at 1028 S Bel Aire Dr SW, Calgary, AB T2V 2B9, Canada
The Out­stand­ing Prop­erty in Alberta is a luxurious home now available for sale. This home located at 1028 S Bel Aire Dr SW, Calgary, AB T2V 2B9, Canada


The Out­stand­ing Prop­erty in Alberta is a luxurious home now available for sale. This home located at 1028 S Bel Aire Dr SW, Calgary, AB T2V 2B9, Canada
The Out­stand­ing Prop­erty in Alberta is a luxurious home now available for sale. This home located at 1028 S Bel Aire Dr SW, Calgary, AB T2V 2B9, Canada


The Out­stand­ing Prop­erty in Alberta is a luxurious home now available for sale. This home located at 1028 S Bel Aire Dr SW, Calgary, AB T2V 2B9, Canada
The Out­stand­ing Prop­erty in Alberta is a luxurious home now available for sale. This home located at 1028 S Bel Aire Dr SW, Calgary, AB T2V 2B9, Canada


The Out­stand­ing Prop­erty in Alberta is a luxurious home now available for sale. This home located at 1028 S Bel Aire Dr SW, Calgary, AB T2V 2B9, Canada
The Out­stand­ing Prop­erty in Alberta is a luxurious home now available for sale. This home located at 1028 S Bel Aire Dr SW, Calgary, AB T2V 2B9, Canada


The Out­stand­ing Prop­erty in Alberta is a luxurious home now available for sale. This home located at 1028 S Bel Aire Dr SW, Calgary, AB T2V 2B9, Canada
The Out­stand­ing Prop­erty in Alberta is a luxurious home now available for sale. This home located at 1028 S Bel Aire Dr SW, Calgary, AB T2V 2B9, Canada


The Out­stand­ing Prop­erty in Alberta is a luxurious home now available for sale. This home located at 1028 S Bel Aire Dr SW, Calgary, AB T2V 2B9, Canada
The Out­stand­ing Prop­erty in Alberta is a luxurious home now available for sale. This home located at 1028 S Bel Aire Dr SW, Calgary, AB T2V 2B9, Canada


The Out­stand­ing Prop­erty in Alberta is a luxurious home now available for sale. This home located at 1028 S Bel Aire Dr SW, Calgary, AB T2V 2B9, Canada
The Out­stand­ing Prop­erty in Alberta is a luxurious home now available for sale. This home located at 1028 S Bel Aire Dr SW, Calgary, AB T2V 2B9, Canada


The Out­stand­ing Prop­erty in Alberta is a luxurious home now available for sale. This home located at 1028 S Bel Aire Dr SW, Calgary, AB T2V 2B9, Canada
The Out­stand­ing Prop­erty in Alberta is a luxurious home now available for sale. This home located at 1028 S Bel Aire Dr SW, Calgary, AB T2V 2B9, Canada


The Out­stand­ing Prop­erty in Alberta is a luxurious home now available for sale. This home located at 1028 S Bel Aire Dr SW, Calgary, AB T2V 2B9, Canada
The Out­stand­ing Prop­erty in Alberta is a luxurious home now available for sale. This home located at 1028 S Bel Aire Dr SW, Calgary, AB T2V 2B9, Canada


The Out­stand­ing Prop­erty in Alberta is a luxurious home now available for sale. This home located at 1028 S Bel Aire Dr SW, Calgary, AB T2V 2B9, Canada
The Out­stand­ing Prop­erty in Alberta is a luxurious home now available for sale. This home located at 1028 S Bel Aire Dr SW, Calgary, AB T2V 2B9, Canada


The Out­stand­ing Prop­erty in Alberta is a luxurious home now available for sale. This home located at 1028 S Bel Aire Dr SW, Calgary, AB T2V 2B9, Canada
The Out­stand­ing Prop­erty in Alberta is a luxurious home now available for sale. This home located at 1028 S Bel Aire Dr SW, Calgary, AB T2V 2B9, Canada


The Out­stand­ing Prop­erty in Alberta is a luxurious home now available for sale. This home located at 1028 S Bel Aire Dr SW, Calgary, AB T2V 2B9, Canada
The Out­stand­ing Prop­erty in Alberta is a luxurious home now available for sale. This home located at 1028 S Bel Aire Dr SW, Calgary, AB T2V 2B9, Canada


The Out­stand­ing Prop­erty in Alberta is a luxurious home now available for sale. This home located at 1028 S Bel Aire Dr SW, Calgary, AB T2V 2B9, Canada
The Out­stand­ing Prop­erty in Alberta is a luxurious home now available for sale. This home located at 1028 S Bel Aire Dr SW, Calgary, AB T2V 2B9, Canada


The Out­stand­ing Prop­erty in Alberta is a luxurious home now available for sale. This home located at 1028 S Bel Aire Dr SW, Calgary, AB T2V 2B9, Canada
The Out­stand­ing Prop­erty in Alberta is a luxurious home now available for sale. This home located at 1028 S Bel Aire Dr SW, Calgary, AB T2V 2B9, Canada


The Out­stand­ing Prop­erty in Alberta is a luxurious home now available for sale. This home located at 1028 S Bel Aire Dr SW, Calgary, AB T2V 2B9, Canada
The Out­stand­ing Prop­erty in Alberta is a luxurious home now available for sale. This home located at 1028 S Bel Aire Dr SW, Calgary, AB T2V 2B9, Canada


The Out­stand­ing Prop­erty in Alberta is a luxurious home now available for sale. This home located at 1028 S Bel Aire Dr SW, Calgary, AB T2V 2B9, Canada
The Out­stand­ing Prop­erty in Alberta is a luxurious home now available for sale. This home located at 1028 S Bel Aire Dr SW, Calgary, AB T2V 2B9, Canada


The Out­stand­ing Prop­erty in Alberta is a luxurious home now available for sale. This home located at 1028 S Bel Aire Dr SW, Calgary, AB T2V 2B9, Canada

The Out­stand­ing Prop­erty in Alberta Gallery:

Text by the Agent: OPEN HOUSE Sunday OCT, 24th 3-5pm. This out­stand­ing Bel-Aire prop­erty of­fers a rare op­por­tu­nity to en­joy stun­ning architecture, un­sur­passed crafts­man­ship & stat­e of­ the­ ar­t fea­tures. Sit­u­ated on a beau­ti­fully land­scaped .39 acre lot in one of Calgary’s most ex­clu­sive and af­flu­ent neigh­bor­ho­ods sur­rounded by the Cal­gary Golf & Coun­try Club, Gle­nmore re­ser­voir and the El­bow River val­ley.  Built be­yond ex­pec­tations, this bril­liantly de­signed & fin­ished 5 be­droom 6 bathroom h­ome­ of­fers over 6300 square feet of lux­u­ri­ous­ly ap­pointed liv­ing space and was constructed with a per­fect blend of nat­ural el­ements and mod­ern architecture cre­at­ing an open light filled mas­ter­piece. The stu­nning grand fo­yer and open layout is complimented with a private office, 22′ walls of glass, an im­pres­sive com­fort­ ceil­in­g with sky lights, designer chandelier and is only di­vided by a gorgeous float­ing stair­cases­ and 192 bot­tle w­ine rack. Huge slid­in­g 8′ g­lass door wall leads to a co­vered­ out­door heated kitchen and lounge area that over looks the massive landscaped yard and its impressive lit wa­ter fea­tures and social areas. The chefs kitchen is beyond breath­tak­ing with its floating DEKTON island and WOLF, SUB ZERO, BLOMBERG and FELMTEC appliances, no ex­penses were spared in its mak­ing. The up­per lev­el of­fers 4 bed­rooms, 3 baths­ and a el­e­gant mas­ter with an op­ulent en-suite with a fire­place, walk-in closet and pri­vate deck. The lower level­ boast a mag­nif­i­cent 14′ cus­tom bar a large fam­ily area, a fire­place, home­ gym, home the­atre room, 1 bed­room, 2 bath­rooms and a mechanical room filled with the best equipment available. This home offers every luxury and state of the art feature imaginable including triple car garage with its heated epoxy floors and LED accented snow melt dri­ve­way and walk­way. This enviable inner city oasis is truly spectacular and awaits your family to call it home.

Photo credit: | Source: Gary Heald – Re/Max Real Estate | Courtesy of Pillar9 System

* This property might not FOR SALE at moment you reading this post; please check status at Zillow link or Agent website link above*

More Tour of Out­stand­ing Prop­erty in Canada here:


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