MF House with Outside Connection by Basiches Arquitetos Associados

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Architecture Design of MF House

Description About The Project

MF House designed by Basiches Arquitetos Associados is an impressive project with integration between indoor and outdoor spaces. Spatially, the house organized around the living room, where is also the intersection point of the two main circulation axes. In addition to this, around the living room there are three white boxes ( leisure, gourmet and kitchen areas) connected by the concrete roof that gives a visual of unity for the house.

Another important visual axis determined by the swimming pool deck that extends towards the gourmet terrace, finishing on a necessary stairway that reaches the different ground levels. The designer focused specially in the Kitchen, as according to the customer, it’s the most used area. The kitchen located beside the slope and in agreement with the landscape project manager. Then, the designer designed a waterfall and mirror water that will provide an amazing view to the kitchen’s users.

In addition to this, the architect also created an opening through the main suite, located in the superior box, to improve the natural light for the kitchen. This suite is totally visually integrated to the external garden due to the glass closures that will go from the floor to the celling. Therefore, getting the different routes inside the house dynamic and with different visual axes, framing the landscape from the outdoor areas.

The Architecture Design Project Information:

MF House with Outside Connection by Basiches Arquitetos Associados


MF House with Outside Connection by Basiches Arquitetos Associados
MF House with Outside Connection by Basiches Arquitetos Associados


MF House with Outside Connection by Basiches Arquitetos Associados
The MF House located among densely wooded residential complex, then the architect find to look into the way how to avoid cutting trees, yet still ensure the views for the resident.
MF House with Outside Connection by Basiches Arquitetos Associados


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MF House with Outside Connection by Basiches Arquitetos Associados
The property’s back area has a slope where once can have a glance for the superior box that is supported in one side by the inferior box and by pilotis in the other side, on the highest point to the ground.


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MF House with Outside Connection by Basiches Arquitetos Associados


MF House with Outside Connection by Basiches Arquitetos Associados
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The integrated living room, dining and kitchen to save the spaces. This area decorated with the pictures.
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Also, the working area of this MF House has open plan and airy spaces.
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The entrance of the MF House.


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MF House with Outside Connection by Basiches Arquitetos Associados


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MF House with Outside Connection by Basiches Arquitetos Associados 31


MF House with Outside Connection by Basiches Arquitetos Associados
MF House with Outside Connection by Basiches Arquitetos Associados


MF House with Outside Connection by Basiches Arquitetos Associados
MF House with Outside Connection by Basiches Arquitetos Associados


MF House with Outside Connection by Basiches Arquitetos Associados
MF House with Outside Connection by Basiches Arquitetos Associados
The plan of this MF House.


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MF House with Outside Connection by Basiches Arquitetos Associados


MF House with Outside Connection by Basiches Arquitetos Associados
MF House with Outside Connection by Basiches Arquitetos Associados


MF House with Outside Connection by Basiches Arquitetos Associados
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MF House with Outside Connection by Basiches Arquitetos Associados


MF House with Outside Connection by Basiches Arquitetos Associados

The MF House Gallery:

Text by the Architects: The MF House is located in a densely wooded residential complex in São Paulo, being the main challenge to find a way to look into the extensive program requested by the customer on a property with many trees, also looking to avoid cutting them down.

Photo credit: Fran Parente | Source: Basiches Arquitetos Associados

For more information about this project; please contact the Architecture firm :
– Add: Rua Gen. Jardim, 808 – 14º Andar – Vila Buarque, São Paulo – SP, 01223-010, Brazil
– Tel: +55 11 3158-5811

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