Concrete Cut house, a Home of Concrete and Glass by Pitsou Kedem

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Architecture Design of Concrete Cut House

Description About The Project

Concrete Cut house designed by Pitsou Kedem Architects, located in Ramat Gan, Israel with impressive combination of concrete and glass. Viewed from the front it looks like a monolithic operation of materials with a deep, monochromatic range of colors. Three rectangular prisms, lain upon one another, into a peaceful composition, stable and subdued, appearing as heavy masses. On the other hand, a second, discerning glance reveals a dramatic encounter of materials taken from two separate worlds ­ poured, massive concrete and glass panels.

The entrance to the home occurs on the Western side at the patio garden starting from the basement leading to the living rooms, accompanying visitors by degrees from the outer to the inner worlds. In addition to this, two yards run along the children’s quarters, one is a patio ascending to the entrance. And the other runs along the Eastern side providing light, air, and an abundance of privacy.

Once insides, the living rooms are double in size and face the Southern gardens visible from a library entrance on the same level as the private rooms. Two staircases lead to the living areas, one descending to the children’s area and another ascending to two additional levels­ one containing the children’s living rooms and another with the parents rooms.

Indeed, the design of the space and their dispersal upon four planes creates in each one a sense of maximal privacy and although none is entirely exposed each of them comfortably access the exterior. Thus a structure of concrete and glass of various transparencies is created, the materials stray between one another as the visitor strays between the structure itself.

The Architecture Design Project Information:

Concrete Cut house, a Home of Concrete and Glass by Pitsou Kedem


Concrete Cut house, a Home of Concrete and Glass by Pitsou Kedem
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Concrete Cut house, a Home of Concrete and Glass by Pitsou Kedem
From the street, one can see that the Concrete Cut house is a mostly concrete home has multiple levels.
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Concrete Cut house, a Home of Concrete and Glass by Pitsou Kedem


Concrete Cut house, a Home of Concrete and Glass by Pitsou Kedem
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A straight on view of the home from the swimming pool, shows the various levels of Concrete Cut house.


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A glass enclosed cut-out offer views of the internal staircase.


Concrete Cut house, a Home of Concrete and Glass by Pitsou Kedem
At night, a variety of different sized pendant lights become a focal point.
Concrete Cut house, a Home of Concrete and Glass by Pitsou Kedem
During the day, the pendant lights are like a sculptural piece of art.


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Indeed, hidden lighting under the treads make it easier to walk at night.
Concrete Cut house, a Home of Concrete and Glass by Pitsou Kedem


Concrete Cut house, a Home of Concrete and Glass by Pitsou Kedem
In the dining area, the glass walls open to the outside.
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Concrete Cut house, a Home of Concrete and Glass by Pitsou Kedem
The interior of this Concrete Cut house features large expanses of open space.
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The balcony from the bookcase overlooks the living area below.
Concrete Cut house, a Home of Concrete and Glass by Pitsou Kedem
Large windows allow for plenty of natural light to flood the space.


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Concrete Cut house, a Home of Concrete and Glass by Pitsou Kedem
Additional sculptural lighting fixtures were installed above the dining table, to help define the space and add visual interest.
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Concrete Cut house, a Home of Concrete and Glass by Pitsou Kedem


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Concrete Cut house, a Home of Concrete and Glass by Pitsou Kedem


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Concrete Cut house, a Home of Concrete and Glass by Pitsou Kedem
The home has a minimalist white kitchen, with a large island.


Concrete Cut house, a Home of Concrete and Glass by Pitsou Kedem
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The Concrete Cut House Gallery:

Text by the Architects: The creation of a line, this birth of the visual act, has been a meeting point throughout history of art, science and technology­ from the dawn of writing to the abstractness of cave drawings and the penning of mathematical formulas ­ all of them make use of graphics to express a novel idea. A line on a dark background­ short or long, thin or thick ­ sometimes­ expresses orientation or movement, at times convergence or divergence, pain and freedom, connection or physical repulsion. It is one of the most fascinating of its properties ­ that the very border, which a line draws also permanently breaks worlds in two. A single lines simultaneously divides and connects separate worlds­ each one onto himself.

Photo credit: Amit Geron| Source: Pitsou Kedem Architects

For more information about this project; please contact the Architecture firm :
– Add: 39 Maze St. Ground Floor Tel-Aviv
– Tel: 03.6204493
– Email:

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